Scott joined Inspire 14 years ago, having just turned 19, as a Support Worker. Today he heads up a team, managing services in Peterhead.
Scott left school to study nursing, but turned to Social Care as he wanted to be able to spend more time with the people he supports. Beginning as the youngest member of a strong and welcoming team, Scott loved learning how to support well, forming positive working relationships with the people supported. Soon Scott completed his SCQF Level 7, racing through it in 7 months. He was very keen to finish in order to be a qualified Support Worker.
“The qualification really put me in the right mindset for the job. It bridged the gap between knowledge and practice.”
As time passed the service Scott had began working in, Ives Road, evolved and expanded. This resulted in the eventual move to Threadneedle Street, a housing support service.
“It was a massive privilege to see that service open, and to see people who had lived a fairly sheltered residential life flourish in their own homes. With this came a lot of challenges, such as learning new ways of working, looking after new people and forming new relationships.“
Scott remained at Threadneedle Street as a Support Worker until August 2015, when a position as an Assitant Support Manager at fellow Peterhead services Eden Drive and Duncan Crescent was advertised. He knew this was not an opportunity he could pass up. Pleased when he got the position, it was an opportunity for Scott to bring his experience to a well established service.
“It was an excellent opportunity to bring fresh ideas from a housing support background into a residential setting, and try to encourage as much choice and freedom as possible”
Completing a PDA (Professional Development Award) in Supervision, Scott remained Assitant Support Manager for a year until the Manager at these services moved on, giving Scott the opportunity to become Acting Manager.
“This was terrifying! I had never anticipated I would be in that position however I was so supported and felt nurtured. I knew I could take on the job, so I applied for the role and became the permanent Support Manager.”
Now settled, Scott is studying again to qualify for his role.
“ I have to say, these days, two days never look the same. I remain very much hands on. I would hate to ever be completely hands off to be honest. Supporting people is what I love. However now I feel the biggest part of my role is supporting the staff to support the people in the services to an excellent standard. It is now my turn to give staff teams the excellent start to their careers, just like I got 13 years ago in Ives road.
“It is a career that is full of challenges, yet full of fun. It is a calling that is full of trying times yet offers satisfaction that many other jobs can’t offer.
You cannot simply come in to this role and go through the motions. It requires excellent values, empathy and an ability to see what can be, not be limited by what is.”