Our two most recent Modern Apprentices - Emily and Claire - were directly recruited onto our MA Programme after leaving school back at the end of 2021. Both successfully gained their award in good time and have become real assets to the organisation working hard in their respective services in Aberdeenshire.
A modern apprenticeship allows individuals to receive real life hands-on experience, while gaining the skills and knowledge that they will need to start their career in social care. We asked our recent graduates if they could share further insight into their experience of the programme.
Emily said: "I had always wanted to work in care due to witnessing the passion and enthusiasm that my Grandma showed for her job when she worked as a care home manager. I had some experience of caring for children before I began my career at Inspire, but nevertheless, I was still nervous on my first day due to it being my first position in support work. However, I was quickly made to feel comfortable in my role due to the support my colleagues gave me, and this allowed me to feel confident in asking questions and/or for assistance.
"The modern apprenticeship programme at Inspire allowed me to progress and develop within my job as it helped me to experience first hand why I need to do things in a certain way in the service such as medication and understand the legislation and guidance that governs the social care sector."
Claire added: "I was made aware of the position by my careers advisor after having left school. I knew I wanted a job within the Care Sector and when I read more about the position it sounded great and something that I really wanted to do. Going straight into a job and being able to do my SVQ to get a qualification was really great.
"Settling into my service and starting my MA was made stress free mainly due to the support from my colleagues. I feel as though I received a great amount of support during my MA, my assessor was extremely helpful, very approachable and always willing to provide help and support. There was never a silly question! My work colleagues at the service were also very supportive and guided me through the times where I was struggling."
She continued: "I think anybody considering doing an MA should do it - it is a great thing. It provides you with the opportunity to work practically, alongside receiving a qualification. A lot of valuable experience and knowledge is gained and I love being a support worker."
Congratulations to both Emily and Claire on successfully completing the MA Programme - both of you are great role models for young people working in social care.