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Our web pages have been designed to be accessible to blind, partially sighted or disabled users, in accordance with the UK Special Educational Needs and Disability Act (SENDA) 2001

Browsealoud – Making Websites Talk

Browsealoud reads web pages aloud for people who find it difficult to read online. Reading large amounts of text on screen can be difficult for those with literacy and visual impairments.

7 million people in the UK have literacy problems, many of whom have downloaded Browsealoud already. Inspire have subscribed to this service to increase the accessibility of our websites. Browsealoud can also mask information on the screen to help focus on a particular area.

You can also add Browsealoud to your device and always have it at your fingertips when browsing the web. It will work from any device - your smartphone, tablet, PC or Mac.

Find out how to add Browsealoud to your device

Skipping to main content

If you're using a screen reader or keyboard, use the ‘Skip to main content’ link at the top of every page to go straight to the content.

This accessibility information was last updated on 24/08/2018

We'd love your feedback

If you find an accessibility problem on any page or would like to tell us anything that would make your experience of our site better, please email